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  • Honey 1.8Kg/bottle
  • Prime Artificial Honey Flavored Syrup 3Kg/bottle
  • Artificial Honey Flavored Syrup 3Kg/bottle

Honey is the best condiment in making drinks for summer time. It is sweet-taste, benefit for skin and digestion. Always a great choice to have a cup of honey special in a hot summer day.

  • Osmanthus Flavoured Syrup 1.2Kg/bottle

A taste of refreshing osmanthus breeze, gives you a whole new level of taste.

  • Frozen tropical fruit juice 

You can never miss the fruit tea in summer time. We have prepared an easier way for you to make your own drink. Small packs with various flavors such as orange juice, pineapple pulp, passion fruit juice, kumquat juice and lemon juice. A fruity taste with full of vitamin C. How can you miss it in summer!

  • Original Lemon juice 960c.c/bottle

Lemon contains rich of vitamin C with benefits of improving anti-oxidation, collagen and whitening performances. Any cold drinks with a portion of lemon juice, gives you the perfect solution of summer.

  • Frozen Pineapple Pulp 1Kg/bottle

An in-season pineapple is too large to carry. However with frozen pineapple pulp, it can significantly reduce the inconvenience for you to process a whole fruit. Now you can easily enjoy any pineapple-flavored beverages.


Osmanthus Syrup, Honey Kumquat Juice with Oolong Tea


Rice Scented Oolong Tea 100cc、Honey 40cc、Osmanthus Flavoured Syrup 20cc、Pour Sparkling Water 150cc、Kumquat juice 30cc

Lemon Juice, Honey, Espresso with Oolong Tea


Roasted Oolong Tea 150cc、Espresso 50cc、Honey 60cc、Original Lemon juice 10cc

Combined Fruit, Honey, Lemon Juice with Sparkling Water


Frozen tropical fruit juice *1、Frozen Pineapple Pulp 40cc、Honey 40cc、Original Lemon juice 30cc、Pour Sparkling Water 150cc、Dehydrated Cranberry 3g

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