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1.The secretsof how the ancient royal nobility’s ladies keep their beauty with.

-For those who always eat out a good way to gain dietary fiber.

-For those who work in office all day better digestion and brighter skin. 

-For students and kids easy way to strengthens immune system.

Selected tremella brew with rock sugar, in Chinese medical it’s good to lower internal heat and stop coughing.

2.Tremella is with a lot of benefits

Why tremella is good for us?

First : Low calories, increase feeling of satiety

Second : Rich of dietary fiber, good for digestion system.

Third : Rich with Polysaccharide which helps to strengthens immune system.

Forth : Plenty of vegetable jelly helps to make your skin bright.

Tachungho Sugar Tremella jam, certificate by HACCP, ISO22000, quality guaranteed for you.

3.Where to use?

Match with variety of drinks, snacks and ice products.

4.Suitable for what kind of shops?

-Bubble tea shop : Provide these kinds of drinks, make your customer follows in the fashion of drinking in health way.

-The shop who provides health drinks, restaurant : It’s easy to use in the dishes, drinks and snacks, provide more choice for those who want to try something new in health way.


Cranberry with tremella( ice 700cc)

Sugar tremella jam with cranberry and mixed burry, flavored with berries, is one of the best choice for quite afternoon tea.


hot water 150cc, cranberry syrup 40cc, mixed fruit syrup 20cc, sugar tremella jam 75g


1.Pour hot water into shaker and add in cranberry syrup, mixed fruit syrup, sugar tremella jam then stir them well.

2.Add ice cube into shaker with the mixed drink and shake well, pour it into cup and enjoy.

Brown sugar flavored tremella drink with green tea jelly. (ice 700)

Soft and sweet green tea jelly with brown sugar, taste of tea, smell of brown sugar combine with Tremella’scrisp taste. It’s your best choice for rest yourself after meal.


green tea 150cc, brown sugar syrup 30cc, green tea jelly100g, sugar tremella jam 75g.


1.Put the green tea jelly to the cup.

2.Pour green tea into shaker and add in brown sugar syrup and sugar tremella jam then stir them well.

3.Add ice cube into shaker with the mixed drink and shake well, pour it into cup and enjoy.

Lemon fig drink with chia seed and tremella. (ice 700cc)

The chia seed is rich with variety nutrients, not just low calories also can stable blood sugar after meal. Combine with tremella and lemon fig jelly, gives you feeling of satiety also plenty nutrients for your health.


hot water 150cc, frozen lemon juice 25cc, fructose 30cc, chia seed 2g, fig jelly 100g, sugar tremella jam 75g.


1.Put chia seed, fig jelly and sugar tremella jam into cup.

2.Pour hot water into shaker and add in lemon juice, fructose then stir them well.

3.Add ice cube into shaker with the mixed drink and shake well, pour it into cup and enjoy.

Winter melon oolong tea with tremella (ice 700cc)

Winter melon’s sweet taste combine with oolong tea’s mellowness soak into tremella’s crisp taste. Distinctive tastesandmellowness blending harmoniously in the mouth


Roast oolong tea 200cc, winter melon syrup 60cc, sugar tremella jam 75g


1.Pour roast oolong tea into shaker and add in winter melon syrup, sugar tremella jam then stir them well.

2.Add ice cube into shaker with the mixed drink and shake well, pour it into cup and enjoy.

Tremella drink with kumquat & apple. (hot 500cc)

Kumquat is good for lung system, a cup of warm Tremella drink with kumquat & apple will warm your throat and digestion system to fill you with energy.


hot water 200cc, apple pulp jam 2 spoons, frozen kumquat juice conc 15cc, sugar tremella jam 75g, cold water 150cc.


Pour hot water into cup and add in apple pulp jam, kumquat juice conc, sugar tremella jam then stir them well. Pour cold water into mix drink and enjoy.

Tremella drink with Osmanthus and coconut. (hot 500cc)

Coconut & Osmanthus’ attracting smells,tremella and Osmanthus are good for skin &fulfill energy combine with rich nutrients coconut powder. In the winter time, this hot temella drink with osmanthus and coconut is the best for you to start a day.


hot water 200cc, coconut powder 30g, osmanthus flavor syrup 20cc, fructose 10cc, sugar tremella jam 75g, cold water 150cc.


Pour hot water into cup and add in coconut powder, osmanthus syrup, fructose, sugar tremella jam then stir them well. Pour cold water into mixed drink and enjoy.

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