Royal Bloody Mary 700cc


Royal Earl Grey Black Tea (1:40) 200cc / Tomato juice 100cc / Lemon juice 5cc / Fructose 40cc / Sea salt 2g

Decoration: Celery 1 piece、 Black pepper powder 5g



  1. Follow the step to pour tea, lemon juice, fructose, sea salt into the cup and add a glass of eight full ice cubes
  2. Stir it well, and then pour celery&black pepper powder to decorate.


Sugar 43.79 g
Calories 193.1 Kcal


Kumquat Martini 700cc


Peach Flavor Pouchong Tea (1:40) 200cc / Kumquat Juice Concentrate 20cc / Fructose 20cc / Sea salt 2g

Decoration: Oilves 3- 4 piece



  1. Follow the step to pour tea, kumquat juice concentrate, fructose, sea salt into the cup and add a glass of eight full ice cubes.
  2. Stir it well, and then pour oilves to decorate.


Sugar 35.09 g
Calories 147.2 Kcal


Flaming B-52 tea shot 700cc



Nuwara Eliya Black Tea (1:40) 200cc / Traditional Sugar Syrup 60cc / milk 100cc / water 50cc

Decoration:Slice of Mandarin、Alcoholic Sugar Cube



  1.   Follow the step to pour syrup, water, milk, tea into the cup to make the layered drink, and then pour a slice of mandarin to decorate.
  2. Another way to drink is that pours an alcoholic sugar cube and lights it with a match, and while the shot is still flaming, quickly place a straw to the bottom of the glass and drink quickly.


Sugar 57.5 g
Calories 292 Kcal


※If you need a sample, please contact the sales or write an e-mail

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