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Grape Cheese Smoothie 700cc


Mountain Pouchong Tea(1:40) 75cc/Grape Juice Concentrate 45g/Grape 45g/Ice Cubes 300g/Fructose 10cc/Peeled Grape *10/Jasmine Green Tea Jelly 150g/Cheese Flossy Cream 100cc



  1. Put Jasmine Green Tea Jelly, Coconut Milk and Peeled Grape into the cup.
  2. Pour Mountain Pouchong Tea, Grape Juice Concentrate, Grape, Ice Cubes, Fructose into blender machine. Blend into a silky texture. Pour into the cup.
  3. Pour cheese flossy cream on the top.


Sugar 73.27g
Calories 459.9 Kcal


Strawberry Cheese Smoothie 700cc


Jasmine Green Tea Jelly 150g/Water 50cc/Strawberry Jam 40g/Lemon Juice Concentrate 5cc/Fructose 20cc/Smoothie Powder 5g/Ice Cubes 280g/Cheese Flossy Cream 100cc



  1. Put Jasmine Green Tea Jelly into the cup.
  2. Pour Water, Strawberry Jam, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Fructose, Smoothie Powder and Ice Cubes nto blender machine. Blend into a silky texture. Pour into the cup.
  3. Pour cheese flossy cream on the top.


Sugar 52.15 g
Calories 373.55 Kcal