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Mango Pomelo Sago 700cc


Jasmine Green Tea Jelly (Randomly chopped) 100g/Water 90cc/Diced Mango 200g/Fructose 20cc/Mango Juice Concentrate 65cc/Ice Cubes 400g/Coconut Milk 25cc (coconut flavor drink powder : water=1:6)/Red Grape fruit Pulp15g



  1. Put Jasmine Green Tea Jelly, Coconut Milk and Red Grapefruit Pulp into the cup.
  2. Pour Water, Diced Mango, Mango Juice Concentrate, Fructose, and ice cube into blender machine. Blend into a silky texture.
  3. Pour it into the cup.


Sugar 105.27 g
Calories 466.06 Kcal


Mango Cheese Smoothie 700cc


Jasmine Green Tea Jelly 150g/Water 70cc/Diced Mango 150g/Mango Juice Concentrate 50cc/Fructose 15cc/Ice Cubes 300g/Cheese Flossy Cream 100cc



  1. Put Jasmine Green Tea Jelly into the cup.
  2. Pour Water, Diced Mango, Mango Juice Concentrate, Fructose, and ice cube into blender machine. Blend into a silky texture.
  3. Pour cheese flossy cream on the top.


Sugar 55.78 g
Calories 402.25 Kcal


Mango Green Tea 700cc


3022-1 Jasmine Green Tea (1:40) 250cc/Diced Mango 60g/Mango Juice Concentrate 20cc/Fructose 30cc



  1. Put Jasmine Green Tea Jelly into the cup.
  2. Pour Water, Diced Mango, Mango Juice Concentrate, and Fructose into the shaker.
  3. Stir it well then add ice cubes until full of a shaker and shake it. Pour it into the cup.


Sugar 53.09 g
Calories 223.96 Kcal