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【HOliN Tea House 85】

Caramel Pineapple roasted tea 700cc

  • Material
  • Drinks: Japanese style roasted tea 200cc Pineapple sauce 50g Cane Liquid Sugar 30cc Fresh Pineapple chunks 40g
    Ice cubes 150g
  • Caramel flavor cream : Cream 150g Caramel milk flavor syrup 10g
  • Step
  1.  Pour Japanese style roasted tea, Pineapple sauce, Cane Liquid Sugar, Ice cube and Fresh Pineapple chunks into blender machine, then switch on the machine and blend it into a silky texture.
  2.  Pour it into the cup and finally float a layer of caramel flavor cream over the top.

Sugar: 66.06 g

Calories: 539.5 Kcal