【HOliN Tea House 83】

Choco Fantasy Ice 700cc

  • Material
  1. DrinkWater 50cc,Dark Chocolate Flavor Drink Powder 25g,Chocolate cookies flavor drink powder 25g,Mixed Fruit Flavor Syrup 50g, Rose flavored syrup 15g,Ice cube 400g
  2. Deco Marshmallow,Cream,Strawberry
  • Step
  1. Pour Water, Dark Chocolate Flavor Drink Powder, Mixed Fruit Flavor Syrup, Rose flavored syrup, Ice cube into blender machine, then switch on the machine and blend it into a silky texture.
  2.  Finally, pour it into the cup and be decorated with cream, strawberry, and marshmallow .

Calories: 432.68 Kcal

Sugar: 79.28 g