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Sweetened Mung Bean 200g

Speckled Kidney Bean20g

Sweetened Job’s Tears 10g

Sweetened Peanut 20g

Sugar-Tremella-Jam 20g

Sesame Flavor Drink Powder 5g

Fructose 20cc

Ice cube 1000g

How to do it?

1. Pour Sweetened Mung Bean, Speckled Kidney Bean, Sweetened Peanut 10g, Sesame Flavor Drink Powder, Fructose, Ice cube into blender machine, then switch on the machine and blend it into a silky texture.

2. Second, also pour Sweetened Job’s Tears, Sweetened Peanut 10g, Sugar-Tremella-Jam into blender machine.

3. Switch on the machine until it is crushed (waiting five minutes), and pour into the cup.

Calories: 482大卡 / Sugar: 74.7g