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Pink Beautyberry (stand by you) 700cc

The beverage includes the fragrance of strawberry and Yogurt Flavor Syrup which is the light aroma of fructose and milk. Add a little bit of frozen lemon juice to make it tasted much sour and sweet, then pour strawberry pulp and Yogurt Popping Boba can enhance the taste of multi-level.

(1)Yogurt Flavor Syrup 50cc
(2)Frozen lemon juice 10cc
(3)Fructose 40cc
(4)Strawberry Juice Concentrate 60cc
(5)Strawberry pulp 35cc
(6)Smoothie Powder 80g
(7)Yogurt Popping Boba 20g
(8)Hot water 120cc

(1)Pour Yogurt Flavor Syrup, Frozen lemon juice, Fructose, cube, Smoothie Powder, hot water into blender machine, and blend it into a silky texture, then pour into the cup.
(2)Pour Strawberry Juice Concentrate, Strawberry pulp, Fructose, cube, Smoothie Powder, hot water into blender machine, and blend it into a silky texture, then pour into the cup.
(3)Finally, pour Yogurt Popping Boba on the top.