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Blackberry Tea with Cheese Flossy Cream 700cc/cup(Ice)

1. Materials:

(1) Berrys Flavored Syrup 40cc

(2) Sweet Osmanthus Flavor Syrup 40cc

(3) Ceylon Black Tea 250cc

(4) Original Flossy Powder(Cheese) 100cc

(5) Fructose 20cc

2. Recipe:

(1) Pour ceylon black Tea into the cup.

(2) Pour berrys flavored syrup, sweet osmanthus flavor syrup and fructose into cup.

(3) Mix well and add ice cube and shake it into the cup.

(4) After shaking, filtered out the ice and pour black tea into a 700cc cup.Skim off the foam and add in ice until it almost full.

(5)Finish by covering flossy foam to the top.