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1. Raw materials:

(1) Hot water 50c

(2) Dazhonghe Mango Strong Candy Lotion 85cc

(3) Fructose 20cc

(4) Ice cube 300g

(5) Smoothie powder 0.3g

(6) Ante Pomegranate Flavored Honey 5cc

(7) Chia seeds 20g

Second, drink practice:


1. Add hot water, mango sherbet, fructose, ice cubes, and smoothie powder to the smoothie machine in sequence and smash them evenly.

2. Pour the beaten mango smoothie into the cup and slowly pour the pomegranate into the rim of the cup.

3. Finally add chia seeds to complete the mango killing red eye.

Tip: Chia seeds should be brewed with hot water for 30 minutes.