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【New Product launch】Falling In love With Formosa Drink

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Product Description

■Hong Kong Mango Coconut Drink Powder
■Taiwan Lemon Condensed Milk Powder
■Condensed Milk Flavor Powder

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Come a get a great drink during Formosa’s summer!
A blend of fresh fruit and condensed milk creates a special flavor!
The air is filled with the fragrance of freshly squeezed juices.
Let the refreshing taste of condensed milk satisfy your taste buds.
Fall in love with this sweet and sour flavor!

A combination of lemony and creamy taste.
Lemon condensed milk is Taiwan’s unique sweet and sour creation.

The richness of mango matched with the light flavor of coconut
Makes the Hong Kong mango coconut drink light and refreshing.

The light creamy taste also packs a flavorful punch.
Condensed milk powder improves the quality and flavor of the milk tea.

Tachungho’s unique 2023 gold proportion is now in the market!

Citron Condensed Milk Drink with Hojicha Flossy Cream 700cc


Condensed Milk Flavor Powder 35g、Hot Water 170cc、 Fructose 20cc、Cocoa Powder 15g、Hojicha Flossy Cream 100cc、Ice cubes 100g、Citron Pulp Jam 30g

*Hojicha Flossy Cream:Whipping Cream 150cc、Milk 30cc、 Hojicha Drink Powder 30g


    1. Pour condensed milk flavor powder, cocoa powder, hot water and fructose into the shaker and mix it well, and add ice cubes until full of the shaker and shake it.
    2. Pour Hojicha flossy cream on the top.

      Sugar 33.7 g
      Calories 336.7 Kcal

      Mango Pomelo Sago 3.0 700cc


      Tomato Juice 100cc、Red Grapefruit Fruit 30g、Canned Orange Pulp 30g、Coconut Milk 50cc、Hong Kong Mango Coconut Drink Powder 60g、Jasmine Green Tea Jelly 150g、Ice cubes 280g、Fructose 20g
      * Coconut Milk:Coconut Flavor Drink Powder15g、Hot Water 25cc

        1. First, put jasmine green tea jelly into the cup, and then put red grapefruit fruit, canned orange pulp and coconut milk.
        2. Pour Hong Kong mango coconut drink powder, water, ice cubes and fructose into a blender machine, blend it into a silky texture, and then pour into the cup.
        3. Finally, pour tomate juice into the cup.

            Sugar 74.1 g
            Calories 421.2 Kcal

            Lemon Condensed Milk Green Tea with Roselle Jelly 700cc


            Pekoe Green Tea 100cc、Hot Water 120cc、Taiwan Lemon Condensed Powder 30g、Fructose 25cc、Ice cubes 100g、Roselle Jelly 150g、Some Roselle Jam (Petal)
            *Roselle Jelly:Jelly Powder (1:6) 50g、Hot Water 300cc、Roselle Jam (Petal) 30cc、Fructose 20cc、Roselle Juice Concentrate 30cc

              1. Put roselle jelly into the cup.
              2. Pour Taiwan lemon condensed powder, pekoe green tea and fructose into the shaker and mix it well, and add ice cubes until full of the shaker and shake it.
              3. Finally put some roselle jam to be decorated.

                  Sugar 63.8 g
                  Calories 278.95  Kcal

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