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HOliN Tea House 115】

Thai Coconut Dragon Fruit Smoothie  700cc



Thai Milk Tea Drink Powder 35g / Coconut Flavor Drink Powder 5g / Fructose 35cc / Ice cube 300g / Water 20cc / Cheese flossy cream 50cc / Diced Dragon Fruit 20g / Diced Pineapple 10g / Jasmine Green Tea Jelly 150g



1. Put Jasmine Green Tea Jelly150g, Diced Dragon Fruit 20g, Diced Pineapple 10g into the cup.
2. Put Thai Milk Tea Drink Powder, Coconut Flavor Drink Powder, Fructose, Ice cube and Water into a blender machine, blend it into a silky texture then pour into the cup.


Sugar 86.85 g
Calories 568.25 Kcal