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Taro mille-crepe cake 700cc 


Traditional Pudding 100g / Milk Cap 100cc

① Ice cube 200g / Taro Flavor Drink Powder 30g / Original Non-Dairy Creamer 10g / Water 20cc / Liquid sugar cane 20cc
② Ice cube 200g / Taiwan Jin Xuan Flavor Pouchong Tea 60cc / Milk 20cc / Smoothie Powder 20g / Liquid sugar cane 20cc

*Milk Cap : Flossy Powder (Original) 30g / Cream 300cc / Milk 30cc


  1. Pour ① into a blender machine.Switch on the machine and blend it into a silky texture.
  2. Pour ② into a blender machine.Switch on the machine and blend it into a silky texture.
  3. Place the taro sauce evenly around (inside) the cup wall for effect.
  4. Pour ② into the cup first, and then pour the traditional pudding, ① into the cup. Repeat the above steps.
  5. Put milk cap on the top as decoration.

Sugar 83.2 g
Calories 764.1 Kcal


Summer berries sundae 700cc 


Strawberry Lemongrass Flavor Black Tea Jelly 100g / Strawberry Jam 100g / Yogurt 80g / Peach Juice Concentrate 30cc / Smoothie Powder 5g / Liquid sugar cane 10cc /Heavy Cheese Cream 100g / Oreo Crumbs*Strawberry Black Tea Jelly : Strawberry Lemongrass Flavor Black Tea 300cc / Jelly Powder(1:6) 50g / Liquid sugar cane 20cc


*Heavy Cheese Cream : Flossy-Powder 5g / Milk 25cc / Hot Water 10cc / Cream 225cc


  1. Pour 150g Ice cube, Peach Juice Concentrate,Smoothie Powder,Liquid sugar cane into a blender machine.Switch on the machine and blend it into a silky texture.
  2. Pour Strawberry Black Tea Jelly into the cup first, and then pour Yogurt, Strawberry Jam,and Heavy Cheese Cream.
  3. Put Oreo Crumbs on the top as decoration.
  5. Sugar 128.9 g

Calories 872.6 Kcal

Boba Burnt Cream 700cc 


Ceylon Milk Tea Jelly 150g / Rose Lychee Flavor Black Tea 150cc / Boba 50g / Liquid sugar cane 20cc / Foam 100cc

*Ceylon Milk Tea Jelly: Prime Ceylon Black Tea 200cc / Original Non-Dairy Creamer 30g / Liquid sugar cane 20cc /Hot Water 120cc / Jelly Powder(1:6) 55g


  1. Pour Ceylon Milk Tea Jelly and Boba into the cup 
  2. Pour Rose Lychee Flavor Black Tea, Liquid sugar cane into the shaker.
  3. Add ice cubes until full of a shaker and shake it, and then pour it into the cup.
  4. Cover the cold milk foam with a thin layer of caster sugar and use a blow torch to spray its top to form a thin layer of dark caramel. Allow to set for 2 minutes before serving.

Sugar 108.7 g

Calories 654.7 Kcal

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