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【HOliN Tea House 92】

Sweet potato coconut smoothie with panna cotta and sago 700cc



Sago 100g / Panna Cotta 60g / Hot water 150cc / Roasted Sweet Potato Powder 42g / Coconut Flavor Drink Powder 20g / Cane Liquid sugar 35cc / ice cubes 350g


  1. 1. Follow the step by making the direction of Panna Cotta Powder (1:4) to make the panna cotta.
  2. 2. Pour four Roasted Sweet Potato Powder, Coconut Flavor Drink Powder, Cane Liquid sugar, ice cubes, hot water into blender machine, then switch on the machine and blend it into a silky texture.
  3. 3. Pour Panna Cotta and Sago into the cup, and then pour the smoothie.


Sugar : 61.86g
Calories : 373.7 Kcal