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Pineapple Cheese Smoothie with Almond Jelly 700cc


Almond Jelly 150g, Pineapple Juice Concentrate 50cc, Diced Pineapple 30g, Ice Cubes 350cc, Cheese Flossy Cream 100cc


1. Put almond jelly into a cup.

2. Pour pineapple juice concentrate, diced pineapple and ice cubes into a blender machine and blend it into a silky texture and then pour it into the cup.

3. Finally pour the cheese flossy cream on the top.


Sugar Cane Pouchong Tea With Almond Jelly 700cc


Almond Jelly 150g, Four Season Tea (1:40) 200cc, Sugar Cane Juice Concentrate 40cc


1. Put almond jelly into a cup.

2. Pour tea, sugar cane juice concentrate and mix it well, and add ice cubes until full of the shaker and shake it, and than pour it into the cup.


Matcha Strawberry Smoothie With Almond Jelly 700cc


Almond Jelly 150g, Strawberry Juice Concentrate 30cc, Fructose 20cc, Ice Cubes 200g, Matcha Flavor Drink Powder 30g, Apricot Kernel Flavor Drink Powder 10g, Hot Water 80cc


1. Put almond jelly into a cup

2. Pour strawberry juice concentrate, fructose and ice cubes into a blender machine and blend it into a silky texture and then pour it into the cup.

3. Pour hot water, matcha flavor drink powder, kernel flavor drink powder and mix it well, and add ice cubes until full of the shaker and shake it, and than pour it into the cup.