Related Products

Citron Green Tea 700cc 


(1:40)Tea 250cc / Citron Pulp Jam 50g / Fructose 30cc


1. Pour tea, citron pulp jam and fructose into the shaker and stir it well.
2. Add ice cubes until full of a shaker and shake it, and then pour it into the cup.

Sugar 50.4 g
Calories 218.6 Kcal


Sencha Green Tea with Sugarcane Aloe Jelly 700cc 


(1:40)Tea 200cc / Fructose 20cc / Sugarcane Aloe Jelly 150g

* Sugarcane Aloe Jelly: Aloe Vera in Honey syrup 50g / Sugar Cane Juice 25cc / Jelly Powder (1:6) 25g / Hot water 125cc


1. Pour Sugarcane Aloe Jelly 150g into the cup.
2. Pour Tea and Fructose into the shaker and stir it well.
3. Add ice cubes until full of a shaker and shake it, and then pour it into the cup.

Sugar 44.9 g
Calories 185.5 Kcal


Sencha Green Tea with Hojicha Flossy Cream 700cc 


(1:40) Tea 200cc / Hojicha Flossy Cream 150cc

* Hojicha Flossy Cream: Hojicha Drink Powder 10g / Whipping Cream 100cc / Fructose 10cc / Sea salt 1g


1. Pour tea, ice cubes into the shaker and shake it, then pour it into the cup.
2. Pour hojicha flossy cream on the top and sprinkle some hojicha drink powder.

Sugar 37.7 g
Calories 351.2 Kcal

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