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【HOliN Tea House 108】

Salted Caramel Coconut Chocolate Fudge Smoothie 700cc



Salted chocolate flavor flossy cream(For 3 drinks):
Whipping Cream 100g / Fresh Milk 20g / Flossy Powder 30g / Dark Chocolate Flavor Drink Powder 20g / Salt 0.5g

Coconut Smoothie:
Water 40cc / Coconut Flavor Drink Powder 60g / Fructose 15cc / Ice cubes 250g

Toppings: Chocolate Pudding 120g Caramel Milk Flavor Syrup 15cc


1. Put chocolate pudding into the cup.
2. Put smoothie ingredients into a blender machine, blend it into a silky texture.
3. Pour the smoothie into cup.
4. Pour salted chocolate flavor flossy cream and Caramel milk flavor syrup on top.


Sugar : 68.99 g
Calories : 595.3 Kcal