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【HOliN Tea House 92】

Raspberry chia seed crushed ice drink with apple cider vinegar jelly 700cc



Chia Seed 50g/Raspberry Flavor Syrup 50g/Cane Liquid sugar 30cc/Crushed ice 200g/Sparkling water 150cc/some apple cider vinegar jelly

Apple cider vinegar Jelly:Apple Cider Vinegar 13g/ Water 156g/ Jelly Powder (1:6) 26g



1. Let the Chia Seed soak in water for a few minute, and then pour it & apple cider vinegar jelly into the cup.
2. Mix Raspberry Flavor Syrup, Cane Liquid sugar and sparkling water together, and then pour it into the cup.


Sugar :82.6 g
Calories : 373.7 Kcal