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【HOliN Tea House 90】

Osmanthus milk tea with Panda Boba 700cc

  • Material
  • Osmanthus Orchid Flavour Pouchong Tea 200cc, Fructose 30cc,milk 100cc,Pandan Boba 150g

*Pandan Boba: Tapioca Boba(white) 150g,hot water 150cc,Pandan leaf 3 piece

  • Step
  • Pandan Boba :

1. Boiling the pandan leaf and hot water first, and then we pour it into the blender machine to be crushed
2. Filter out the residue and mixed in with the Tapioca Boba(white).

1. Pour Pandan Boba 150g into the cup.
2. Pour Osmanthus Orchid Flavour Pouchong Tea, Fructose, and milk into the shaker and stir it well.
3. Add ice cubes until full of a shaker and shake it, and then pour it into the cup.


Sugar : 55.68g
Calories : 515.9 Kcal