Coffee Powder (Spray Dry) Package
Coffee Powder (Spray Dry) Package
Coffee Powder (Spray Dry) Package
Coffee Powder (Spray Dry) Package

Coffee Powder (Spray Dry)

Flavor Descriptions:
Drink powder 100% pure coffee powder.
The low acid roasted instant coffee powder emanates a mild bitterness and strong aroma.
Tea soup color:
20 bags/carton
Shelf life:
room temperature for 1 year, with non-temperature too much sun, Kaifeng storage at room temperature
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1. Brewing methods: Mix 1 part powder to 8–10 parts of water, and add creamer and sugar as needed to prepare a glass of flavorsome beverage. Add other ingredients per your preference; please refer to Product Recipe for further details.

※For more applications, please feel free to contact us!



Recommended Applications

□ Dilute with water ■ Dilute with tea      ■ Dilute with milk ■ Smoothie
■ Slush □ Glass decoration □ Flavorsome jelly ■ Flavorsome Flossy cream
■ Baking      



Sugar Tremella Jam with Lemon Sparking Water & Espresso、Coconut LatteBrown sugar coffee milk tea

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