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Resurrection (Pineapple Smoothie with Strawberry pulp &Flossy Cream)  700cc


Pineapple Pule Jam 50g / Diced Pineapple 40g / Strawberry Pule Jam 30g / Fructose 10cc / Flossy Cream 60cc / Ice Cubes 400g


1. Brush strawberry jam on the cup wall and put some strawberry pule jam and flossy cream into the cup.
2. Put pineapple pule jam, diced pineapple, water, fructose and ice cubes into a blender machine, blend it into a silky texture.
3. Pour the smoothie into cup.

Sugar 76.23 g
Calories 453 Kcal


Easter Egg Hunt ( Mulberry smoothie with Strawberry Flossy Cream)  700cc 


Original Nata de Coco Jelly 50g / Canned Mulberry Pulp 40g / Mulberry Juice Concentrate 30cc / Fructose 20cc / Water 50cc / Ice Cubes 350g / Strawberry Flossy Cream 100cc


1. Put mulberry juice concentrate, canned mulberry pulp, water, fructose and ice cubes into a blender machine, blend it into a silky texture.
2. Add original nata de coco jelly until it is crushed (make two turns), and pour into the cup.
3. Pour the strawberry flossy cream on the top.

Sugar 64.4 g
Calories 423 Kcal

Easter Surprise ( Mulberry Sparkling Drink with Pineapple pulp & Jelly) 700cc


Water 200cc / Canned Mulberry Pulp 60g / Fructose 30cc / Diced Pineapple 30g / Original Nata de Coco Jelly 100g


1. Put original nata de coco jelly, diced pineapple into the cup.
2. Pour water, canned mulberry pulp, fructose into the shaker and mix it well, and add ice cubes until full of the shaker and shake it, and than pour it into the sparkling water maker.
3. Use sparkling water maker to make the 200cc mulberry sparkling drink and then pour it into the cup.

Sugar 75.4 g
Calories 340 Kcal