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Jìn Bǎo( Pineapple yogurt smoothie with green tea jelly) 700cc


Pomegranate popping boba 20g / Yogurt 100g / Pineapple pule jam 70g / Water 50g / Green tea jelly 150g / Ice cubes 250g


1. Put green tea jelly into a cup.
2. Put Pineapple pule jam, water and ice cubes into a blender machine, blend it into a silky texture.
3. Pour the smoothie into cup.
4. Pour yogurt and pomegranate popping boba on the top.

Sugar : 70.6 g
Calories : 365.7 Kcal


Zhāo Cái (Dragon fruit yogurt smoothie with green tea jelly )   700cc 


Passion fruit popping boba 20g / Yogurt 100g / Diced dragon fruit 100g / Fructose 30cc / Green tea jelly 150g / Ice cubes 300g


1. Put green tea jelly into a cup.
2. Put diced dragon fruit, fructose and ice cubes into a blender machine, blend it into a silky texture.

Sugar : 70 g
Calories : 358.3 Kcal