【HOliN Tea House 89】

Summer breeze 700cc

  • Material
  • Strawberry Lemongrass Flavor Black Tea 100cc,Fructose 10cc,Fresh mint leaves 5g,Milk 50cc,Strawberry Panna Cotta 150g,Fresh cream 45cc,Some of strawberry jam

*Strawberry Panna Cotta : Panna Cotta Powder(1:4) 50g,strawberry jam with pulp 30g,hot water 200g

  • Step
  1. 1. Pour strawberry panna cotta 150g into the cup.
  2. 2. Mash the fresh mint leaves, and then pour black tea, fructose, and milk into the shaker and stir it well.
  3. 3. Add ice cubes until full of the shaker and shake it, then pour into the cup.
  4. 4. Squeeze fresh cream on the top and pour some strawberry jam to decorate.


Sugar : 47.7g

Calories : 408.85Kcal

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