Ähnliche Produkte

Rose Black Latte  700cc


Prime Ceylon Black Tea(1:30) 250cc, Milk 150cc, Rose Flavored Jelly 150g, Fructose 25cc.
* Rose Flavored Jelly : Jelly Powder 50g, Boiling Water 250cc, Rose Flavored Syrup 50cc.


1.Pour Rose Flavored Jelly into the cup.
2.Pour Prime Ceylon Black Tea, Fructose and ice cube into the shaker, and shake it, and then pour it into the cup.
3. Pour Milk into the cup.


Red Guava Fruit Green Tea 700cc 


3025 Jasmine Green Tea (1:40) 250cc, Red Guava Juice Concentrate 50cc, Fructose 40cc, Passion Fruit Pulp 25cc.


1. Pour 3025 Jasmine Green Tea, Fructose, Red Guava Juice Concentrate and ice cube into the shaker, and shake it, and then pour it into the cup.
2. Pour Passion Fruit Pulp into the cup.

Mango Taro Latte with White Tapioca Boba 700cc


Taro Flavor Drink Powder 40g, Fructose 25cc, Milk 100cc, Mango Flavor Drink Powder 15g, Hot Water130cc, White Tapioca Boba 150g, Prime Artificial Honey Flavor Syrup 100cc.


1.Pour Passion Fruit Pulp into the cup.
2.Pour 80cc Hot Water, Taro Flavor Drink Powder, 10cc Fructose and ice cube into the shaker, and shake it, and then pour it into the cup.
3.Pour Milk and 5cc Fructose into the shaker and stir it well.Pour it into the cup.
4. Pour 50cc Hot Water, Mango Flavor Drink Powder into the shaker and stir it well.Pour ice cube into the shaker, and shake it, and then pour it into the cup.

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