Ähnliche Produkte

Summer Solstice Approaching (Mint Green Tea Soda)  700cc


3021 Jasmine Green Tea(1:20) 100cc、 Fructose 30cc、Peppermint Syrup 15cc、Aloe Vera in Honey 100g、Cold Water 100cc、Sparkling Water 200cc


1. Put aloe vera in honey into a cup.
2. Pour 3021 jasmine green tea and fructose into the shaker and mix it well, and add ice cubes until full of the shaker and shake it, and than pour it into the cup.
3. Pour sparkling water into the cup.
4. Make peppermint syrup mix with cold water and then pour it into the cup.


Carnival Party
(Lemon Iced tea) 700cc 


5050 Black Tea for Milk Tea (1:40) 200cc、Fructose 20cc、Lemon Juice Concentrate 30cc、Lychee Flavor Nata de Coco Jelly 100g、Crushed Ice 200g


1. Pour ice cubes into blender machine and switch on the machine until ice cube is crushed.
2. Pour crushed ice into the cup.
3. Pour 5050 black tea for milk tea , fructose and lemon juice concentrate into the shaker and mix it well, and add ice cubes until full of the shaker and shake it, and than pour it into the cup.
4. Pour lychee flavor nata de coco jelly on the top.

Celebration Dance (Summer Fruit Soda) 700cc


3021 Jasmine Green Tea 200cc(1:20)、Fructose 10cc、Mango Juice Concentrate 10cc、Pineapple Juice Concentrate 20cc、Passion Fruit Juice Concentrate 30cc、Yogurt Popping Boba 100g、 Sparkling Water 200cc


1.Pour yogurt popping boba 100g into the cup.
2.Pour 3021 jasmine green tea, mango juice concentrate, pineapple juice concentrate, passion fruit juice concentrate and fructose into the shaker and mix it well, and then add ice cubes until full of a shaker and shake it,and than pour it into the cup.